
Terms & Conditions

The SciVenia Platform is owned and operated by TechVenia. By registering on the SciVenia Platform, you acknowledge to have read and to agree with these Terms and Conditions without reservation.

Article 1. Definitions

In these Terms and Conditions, the following definitions apply:

1.1. “Account”: the main interface for Organisers and scientists to access and use the Platform.

1.2. “Intellectual Property Rights”: all brands, logos, trademarks, internet domain names, models and designs, patents, copyrights (including all rights relating to software) and moral rights, rights relating to databases, semiconductor topographies, knowhow, and other rights, as well as all other industrial and intellectual rights, in any case independent from whether or not they have been registered and with the inclusion of registration applications as well as all equivalent rights or means of protection leading to a similar result anywhere in the world.

1.3. “TechVenia”: SECRÉTARIAT DE JEUNESSES MUSICALES INTERNATIONAL, a non-profit organization with registered offices at Square Eugène Plasky 92-94, box 13, 1030 Brussels, Belgium and registered in the Register for Legal Entities under the number 415.351.030.

1.4. “Match”: the agreement between a scientist and an Organiser to collaborate for a certain Event.

1.5. “scientist(s)”: any User who registers on the Platform by creating an Account resulting in a scientist Profile in order to apply for an Event using the Platform.

1.6. “Opportunity”: a public (visible to non-registered users) offer for collaboration created by an Organiser who is looking for a scientist to which a scientist can apply.

1.7. “Organiser(s)”: any User who registers on the Platform by creating an Account resulting in an Organiser Profile in order to create an Event using the Platform.

1.8. “Payment Service Provider”: for the provision of payment services within the SciVenia Platform, TechVeniarelies exclusively on the services of an external payment service provider, being Adyen B.V., with registered offices at Simon Carmiggeltstraat 6-50, 1011 DJ in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, registered in the Chamber of Commerce under the number 34259528. Adyen B.V. is supervised by the Dutch Central bank as a payment institution and provides its services in Belgium under the freedom to provide services, in accordance with . TechVeniawill not provide any payment services itself.

1.9. “Platform”: TechVenia’s online platform SciVenia as described in Article 2 and accessible via or via the official SciVenia app available for download in the App Store and Google Play Store.

1.10. “Profile”: the online representation of a scientist or Organiser on the Platform.

1.11. “User”: any natural or legal person who accesses the Platform.

Article 2. SciVenia Platform description

2.1. The Platform is first and foremost intended as an online space where Organisers and scientists may encounter each other in order to identify events for collaboration. In doing so, Organisers can enlist scientists to their activities and, in some cases, earn money through online registrations and scientists can find Events that will advance their careers and personal lives.

2.2. TechVeniareserves the right to determine, at its sole discretion and without prior notice, which information of the User Profile is shown to anyone who visits the Platform.

Article 3. Registration

3.1. The Platform is open ended, meaning that anyone interested may register and create an Account and a User Profile, subject to the indicated purposes of the Platform as well as compliance with these Terms and Conditions.

3.2. Access to the Account is limited via an authorisation procedure for which each User must choose personal login credentials. Once registered, the scientist or Organiser Profile is only visible to other registered Users.

Article 4. Rules of conduct

4.1. The User agrees to observe the following rules of conduct:

  • provide reliable and correct information using the Platform,
  • not interfere with the normal functioning of the Platform,
  • not infringe the intellectual property rights of TechVenia,
  • not to hinder the use of the Platform by other Users,
  • not to spread spam or other inappropriate information or messages via the Platform,
  • not to distribute viruses or other malicious software,
  • not use tools for search or indexing (parts) of the Platform (e.g. indexing robots, crawlers), unless the user is a search engine,
  • not circumvent or obstruct the protection of the Platform.
  • not pass the password to third parties.

4.2. TechVeniamay refuse access to the Platform to the User in the event of non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions, including these rules of conduct.

Article 5. Organisers’ and scientist’s access to and use of the Platform

5.1. The Organiser will be able to search for scientists via the Platform. He will be able to visit the scientist Profile and consult his contact information or other publicly available information.

5.2. The scientist will see the Event posted by the Organiser, which will be clearly attributable to a certain Organiser. The scientist can apply to a certain Event of which the Organiser will be notified, or the Organiser can suggest a certain Event to a scientist via the contact link on the scientist’s Profile. If a fee is due by the scientist, only the Payment Service Provider will handle the transaction of this fee. In principle, the Organiser can accept or refuse the application of the scientist. The Organiser will not be required to state any reason for the refusal of an application. The Organiser cannot refuse the application of the scientist if it concerns an Event with automatic approval.

5.3. If the application of a scientist is accepted by the Organiser, the scientist will be notified of this Match via the Platform. The Organiser and scientist will then work closely together to complete the Event. The Organiser will take the lead in organising the Event and he will keep the scientist up-to-date regarding the Event.

5.4. After completion of the Event by the scientist, the scientist can rate the Organiser thus indicating a level of satisfaction. The rating will be added to the public part of the Organiser Profile. TechVeniadoes not assume any responsibility for these ratings nor does TechVeniacertify the ratings’ accuracy.

Article 6. Warranties and liability

6.1. Since the Platform is essentially composed of software, the User acknowledges that TechVeniacannot guarantee a flawless operation. TechVeniawill therefore ensure the availability and operation of the Platform in accordance with good industry practice. If reasonably possible, SciVenia will timely notify the User of any planned interruptions in the operation of the Platform. However, SciVenia cannot notify the User of any unforeseen interruptions.

6.2. TechVeniawill ensure that all of its staff are properly trained and have the skills necessary to fulfil their obligations to the best of their abilities. TechVeniawill also ensure that any interruptions in service delivery of the Platform are communicated as soon as reasonably possible. TechVeniawill put in place timely response procedures to handle any unforeseen interruptions.

6.3. TechVeniahas the right to change the availability of the Platform at all times and for as long as TechVeniadeems necessary for maintenance or update purposes or similar purposes, without permission of the User. Insofar as reasonably possible, such change in availability shall be communicated in advance via the Platform.

6.4. Insofar the operation of the Platform relies on the provision of services by third parties who are beyond the real and effective control of TechVenia, TechVeniacannot be held liable, resulting from a shortcoming in the services of this third party or a termination of the relation by this third party. Such shortcomings shall include, but shall not be limited to:

6.4.1. Non-compliance on the part of the third party with applicable laws and regulations;

6.4.2. Loss of data caused by a malfunction in the systems of a third party;

6.4.3. Unavailability of (parts of) the Platform caused by the unavailability or malfunction of services of a third party on which the Platform relies

6.5. TechVeniadoes not verify, nor is responsible and cannot be held liable for any content uploaded by Users. The User who uploads content to the Platform that proves damaging to others and results in a claim brought against TechVenia, will defend, hold harmless and indemnify TechVeniain any ensuing legal proceedings.

6.6. TechVeniais not responsible and cannot be held liable for any errors in the operation of the Platform, even if those errors result in damages, if these errors are caused by misinformation (either insufficient, incorrect or both), negligence or non-compliance with both the law and the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.

6.7. TechVeniais not responsible for any obligations in labour, contract, tax or social security law applying in the relationship between scientist and Organiser. The scientist and Organiser will defend, hold harmless and indemnify TechVeniafor any claims originating from the violation of any such obligations. The scientist and Organiser will furthermore defend, hold harmless and indemnify TechVeniafrom all legal actions in principal, interests and costs, including costs of legal assistance, on matter for which the scientist or Organiser must bear the costs themselves.

6.8. The Organiser acknowledges that TechVeniais not responsible and cannot be held liable for the quality of work delivered by the scientist to the Organiser.

6.9. TechVeniacan never be held liable, not even in case of serious fault, for indirect damages, including consequential damages, financial or commercial damages, loss of profit or income, lost events, lost savings, damage due to business discontinuity, reputational damage and damage from legal proceedings initiated by third parties against the scientist or Organiser.

Article 7. Duration and termination

7.1. The agreement between TechVeniaand the User, as outlined by these Terms and Conditions, shall commence from the moment the User registers on the Platform and is entered into for an indefinite period. It may be terminated by TechVeniavis-à-vis the User at any time respecting a seven (7) day notice or by the User at any time by simply deleting his account.

Article 8. Payments & Cancellation

8.1. For the provision of payment services within the SciVenia Platform, TechVeniarelies exclusively on the services of an external Payment Service Provider. TechVeniawill not provide any payment services itself. Complaints or questions regarding the payment services can be directed to

8.1. For the provision of payment services within the SciVenia Platform, TechVeniarelies exclusively on the services of an external Payment Service Provider. TechVeniawill not provide any payment services itself. Complaints or questions regarding the payment services can be directed to

Article 9. Intellectual property

9.1. TechVeniaremains at all times holder of all Intellectual Property Rights related to the content – including all appurtenances – of the Platform, with the exception of all documents, information and other elements received from the User. TechVeniagrants the User, where the User makes use of the intellectual property of TechVenia(such as the SciVenia logo) for access to and use of the Platform, a non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-sublicensable right of use for the period of such use. Such right of use will be consistent with the normal use of the intellectual property of TechVeniawithin the activities of the User as interpreted in light of these Terms and Conditions. Unless expressly stipulated otherwise, TechVeniawill not transfer any Intellectual Property Rights to the User.

9.2. Having regard to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the User shall not copy, analyse, decompile, make public, distribute, transfer to third parties, or change any content encumbered with Intellectual Property Rights unless expressly permitted by TechVenia.

9.3. Each use by the User of any material protected by Intellectual Property Rights or other rights of third parties, happens on the full and sole responsibility of that User, who indemnifies – accordance with clause 5 – TechVeniaagainst any possible legal action of third parties with regard to violation of their rights. The User acknowledges and accepts that TechVeniaexercises no power of control nor any advisory powers with regard to any rights held by third parties.

9.4. By uploading any content encumbered with Intellectual Property Rights held by a User, that User grants TechVeniaa non-exclusive, transferable, worldwide, sublicensable and royalty-free right to use, copy, store, transmit, modify, create derivative works of and publicly perform and display that content for an indefinite period to the extent necessary to provide the SciVenia service to User and to promote the Platform.

Article 10. Confidentiality

10.1. In principle, all content uploaded by a User shall be treated as non-confidential, especially any information which by its very nature cannot reasonably be considered confidential such as the public part of the User Profile as well as any ratings. On the contrary, certain information which by its very nature should be considered as confidential, such as login credentials giving access to the Platform, trade secrets etc., shall be treated as confidential.

10.2. If and when a governmental or judicial authority who is competent requires confidential information, then Parties will first confer with one another prior to any disclosure, which in any case will be limited to the minimal divulgation of information in order to comply with the governmental or judicial order.

Article 11. Privacy and data protection

11.1. All provisions governing the right to privacy and data protection of Users are outlined in a separate document (‘Privacy Policy’), and are an integral part of these Terms and Conditions. You may find the Privacy Policy here:

Article 12. Miscellaneous

12.1. TechVeniawill be entitled to rely at its own discretion on subcontractors for the fulfilment of its obligations towards the User, as outlined by these Terms and Conditions. The agreement between TechVeniaand the User cannot be construed as being of a strictly personal nature with respect to TechVenia. All rights and obligations with respect to TechVeniain the framework of the agreement between TechVeniaand the User can be transferred in whole or in part to a third party without the User’s consent.

12.2. TechVeniareserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at all times. Any such modification shall be made public on the Platform. Any modification shall resort effect the month after the month in which the modification was made. If a User does not agree with the modification, he may terminate this agreement in accordance with Article 6.

12.3. These Terms and Conditions by no means entail a curtailment of any rights of TechVeniaunder statutory law.

12.4. These Terms and Conditions are the only agreement between the parties with regard to access to and use of the Platform and they supersede any other related requests, verbal or in writing, to submit an offer, offers, proposal, proposition, guarantee, warrant, agreement, communication or commitment.

12.5. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is deemed by a judicial body to be illegal or invalid, the effects of such estimation shall be limited to that provision only and shall leave unhampered all other provisions of these Terms and Conditions.

12.6. Belgian law governs these Terms and Conditions. The parties hereby undertake to apply the CEPANI mediation rules to all disputes arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions. Should the mediation fail, each party has the right to submit the dispute to the courts in Brussels.